How Can Diabetes be Treated?
Have you wondered why drugs seem to be prescribed more, with little consideration to nutrition, knowing full well that it is one of the factors that precipitates diabetes? In my opinion, mainstream doctors are more focused on treating diabetes with meds rather than nutrition because as long as you continue to have diabetes, their profit is guaranteed. I want to believe that pharmaceutical companies sponsor medical schools and legally bribe doctors to prescribe you more drugs. If not, how do we explain the fact that prescription drugs flood a patient’s diabetic management plan and not much of nutritional considerations? Since diabetes has no cure…or so we’re told…Metformin and other anti-diabetic drugs are only administered to relieve symptoms.
However, drugs are chemical compounds and more often than not they have side effects. The use of drugs therefore should be controlled and in fact considered after all other natural avenues to treatment have been explored. This is what drove me into research about this condition and how it can be better managed without having to consume drugs on a routinely basis. I went through hell too, buying drugs after drugs in a bid to find a lasting solution to my Type 2 diabetes, until I called it quits with paying regular visits to the hospital and footing doctor’s bills. I went into my own health research. These are my findings:
Healthy eating is a cornerstone for healthy living; with or without diabetes. If you have diabetes, you’ll need to go the extra mile by knowing how foods affect your blood sugar levels. You should not be concerned only about the type of food you eat but also how much you eat and the combinations of food types you eat.
Learn about carbohydrates. A key to many diabetes management plans is learning about carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the foods that most often than not have the biggest impact on your blood sugar levels.
Learn what portion size is appropriate for every meal. It is surprising how some people go with the notion of consuming large portions of food expecting that the body would equally derive large nutrients from it. You may just be surprised to know that a large chunk of a non-nutritional meal would be gotten rid of from the body as waste product. Simplify your meal by writing down portions for the foods you eat daily. Use measuring cups or scale to ensure proper
portion size and an accurate carbohydrate count as well.
Make your meals balanced diet. As much as possible, plan for every meal to contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. It’s also important to pay attention to the types of carbohydrates you choose. Some carbohydrates, such as those derived from fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are better for you than are others.
These foods are low in carbohydrates and contain fiber that aid proper digestion, blood circulation and help keep your blood sugar levels more stable.
Coordinate your meals. If you consume too little food, it may result in dangerously low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Too much food, on the other hand may cause your blood sugar level to become high (hyperglycemia). You should eat in moderation with an understanding of the essential nutrients each meal should contain. Avoid eating sugar-sweetened beverages. Sugar-sweetened beverages, including those sweetened with high fructose corn syrup or sucrose, contain high level of calories and offer little nutritional value. They cause blood sugar to rise quickly, it’s therefore best to avoid these types of drinks and foods if you have diabetes.
There is an exception to this however that if you are experiencing a low blood sugar level, sugar sweetened beverages, such as soda, juice and sports drinks, can be used as an effective treatment to quickly raise the blood sugar level.
Physical Exercise
Physical activity/exercise is another important part of your diabetes management plan. When you exercise, the muscles use up built up sugar (glucose) for energy. Regular physical activity/exercise also helps your body use insulin more efficiently. Light activities such as housework, gardening or being on your feet for extended periods can improve your blood sugar level as well. So, for those of you who do not have spare times to visit the gym, this is an opportunity for you to work out at your own convenience. In general, adults should exercise at least 30 minutes a day about four times a week. It is dangerous to be an inactive adult since the rate of metabolism slows down as we age. Aerobic and muscle strengthening exercises are suitable exercises that you can adopt. It works magic like drugs.
Check your blood sugar level before, during and after exercise. Exercise can lower your blood sugar levels, especially if the activity is new to you, or if you’re exercising at an intensive level. You should be sensitive to warning signs of low blood sugar, such as dizziness, weakness, tiredness, hunger, light-headedness, irritability, anxiety or confusion. It is important to drink plenty of water or other fluids while exercising because dehydration can affect blood sugar levels.
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